Thursday, November 1, 2012

Rayman Legends lead game designer: Murfy levels are optional

Controlling Murphy the Frog in Rayman Legends for the Wii U
Apparently this is optional.

A while back, lead game designer Emile Morel told Official Nintendo Magazine that the single-player mode in Rayman Legends would require gamers to play almost half of the game as Murfy the frog while the game's AI would control Rayman. For those of you don't remember, here is what said:

Morel: "You have to open the paths for him, you have to kill enemies for him to make sure he can survive. You are the protector of Rayman."

"Not the whole game is like this - you have specific levels for Murfy and the GamePad and more classic levels when you are playing as Rayman from beginning to the end. Half of the game, maybe not half but a good portion of the game, you'll have to play as Murfy."

The news didn't go over very well with gamers and there were a lot of complaints. According to a new interview, however, that is not the case. Here's what Morel had to say about the subject:

Note: This interview has been translated from French with Google Translate. The translation is readable but far from perfect.

Morel: "Incidentally, you can do the entire game solo on GamePad with Rayman character. In this case, you look at the TV screen, as Rayman Origins. But there are about 20% of the levels of which... if you play alone, you control Murfy, and will help you to be Rayman, he led Artificial Intelligence. Even alone, so you have to play Murfy, but as I recall, this is only a small part of the game it is also not necessary: ​​you can choose to spend these levels.

This is certainly good news for gamers who prefer pure platforming. It would be interesting to know if Ubisoft decided to make the Murfy stages optional in response to the outcry or if this was the plan all along.  Rayman Legends had been listed as a launch day title but was recently pushed back to the first quarter of 2013.

Morel also revealed that the game will feature online challenges with leaderboards to show how players stack up against one another.

Source: GameKult via Google Translate

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