Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Nintendo Direct - December 5, 2012

Screenshots from December 5th, 2012 Nintendo Direct presentation, featuring Reggie Fils-Aime, Lego City: Undercover, Pikmin 3, and Game & Wario

Here is the Nintendo Direct presentation which was shown earlier today in North America. There was plenty of new gameplay footage of a number of Wii U games, including Lego City: Undercover, Pikmin 3, Game & Wario, Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge, and Wii Fit U. The Wii U Panorama View software was also discussed, along with some demonstrations of how it works. The remainder of the presentation focused on Nintendo 3DS games, including Lugi's Mansion 2: Dark Moon, Brain Age: Concentration Training, Fire Emblem: Awakening, and DLC for New Super Mario Bros. 2. Video after the break.


  1. How come no one ever comments?

    1. I've been wondering that for a long time. The site is relatively young but we're getting some serious traffic now that the Wii U has launched. I'm surprised at how quiet our visitors are.

      The comment system allows people to log in using LiveJournal, WordPress, Typepad, AIM, and OpenID. Maybe they don't realize there are so many options and think they have to register.

      Users can also comment by leaving just a name/URL, and they can even post anonymously as you just did, although doing so raises the odds of comments being automatically flagged as spam and deleted.

      I visit a lot of sites repeatedly each day, but I don't register with every one of them and hardly ever comment. Maybe our users are the same way, I really don't know. What I do know know is that we are getting enough traffic to make running the site worthwhile, and we have no plans on stopping anytime soon. We'd like to hear from our readers more often and establish some sort of online community, but if everyone prefers to remain silent, I suppose that's fine too.

      Thanks for visiting!

  2. the commenting system does not work when you try to post from safari - that is the reason why i could not comment so far. great site and it deserves a more active community. maybe its broken for other browsers aswell. So far i could only successfully comment under chrome.

    1. Wow, really? I had no idea the commenting system didn't work with certain browsers. We had been using Disqus for comments but mobile users couldn't log in so we went back to the old system. Thanks for the info.


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