Monday, December 3, 2012

Wii U sold 40,000 units in UK in first 48 hours

Wii U Basic Pack and Premium Pack

According to MCV, the Wii U sold around 40,000 units in its first 48 hours in the United Kingdom, with retailers suggesting that it completely sold out on the UK High Street. Additional stock is still coming in, but it is believed that there won't be ample supplies until the New Year. Had more units been available, sales would have been undoubtedly much higher. MCV also believes the console has a software attach rate higher than 2 games per console.

They attained these figures from a combination of feedback from retailers and software sales data passed on by trade sources. Using said data, MCV was able to estimate sales based on previously confirmed Wii U bundle market shares.

MCV has posted an update, stating that the numbers do not include digital software sales from Nintendo's eShop, which means the software attach rate could be substantially higher.

Source: MCV

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