Wednesday, February 27, 2013

EA says all their future games will feature micro-transactions

Electronic Arts logo

While speaking at the Morgan Stanley Technology Media & Telecom Conference, Electronic Arts CFO
Blake J. Jorgensen revealed that EA is planning to include micro-transactions in all of their future games. This will allow players to "get to a higher level to buy a new character, to buy a truck, a gun, whatever it might be." Here are a few of his statements:

Consumers are enjoying and embracing that way of the business.

We've got to have a very strong back-end to make sure that we can operate a business like that. If you're doing microtransactions and you're processing credit cards for every one of those microtransactions, you'll get eaten alive. And so Rajat's [Taneja, CTO at EA] team has built an amazing back-end to be able to manage that and manage it much more profitably.

The other piece of that puzzle is the mobile business itself. Playing games on a tablet or a mobile phone, smartphone, that business has evolved very quickly. It's become a very large part of our business and it's either an extension of existing franchises or new franchises.

-Blake J. Jorgensen, EA CFO

Source: Gamasutra

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