Wednesday, March 27, 2013

ZombiU patch available in North America

ZombiU logo

Ubisoft has released a patch for their Wii U launch title ZombiU. According to Coffee With Games, the update fixes a number of issues including a few game-breaking bugs. In addition, the framerate is said to have been improved. Here's the full list of updates:

  • On Mission 12, in the Nursery MAP, the interaction with the door in the basement of nursery was missing at rebirth if specific steps were followed.
  • On Mission 13, in the Gas Station MAP, a Mission object that is mandatory to complete the objective was missing if specific steps were followed.
  • On Mission 14, in the Circus MAP, if the player died right after recovering his Backpack, and rebooted the Wii U console, the objective was not updated.
  • On Mission 15, in the Bunker MAP, the Panacea disappeared after the Player died while downloading it. However the objective remained the same (download Panacea).
  • On Mission 10, in the Tower MAP, the Objective "Secure landing site" was not validated if specific steps were followed.
  • On Mission 15, in the Bunker MAP, if specific steps were followed, the Player might get stuck in the Bunker after he took Doctor's eye / Panacea because a Ladder disappeared.
  • On Mission 16, in the MAP Safe House, the iron curtain in the Safe House lacked of collision during Mission 16. This Bug could lead to a scoring exploit on leaderboards.
  • In the Safe House MAP, the Player saw a placeholder text when he dragged & dropped an item from the Blue Box to his holsters following certain steps.
  • On Mission 12 or 15, in the Nursery MAP, the game crashed if the Player burned the Zombi Nurse while she died.
  • Zombies animations transitions.
  • Online messages spawned in the first section of the MAPs.
  • Scanner's start volume.
  • Uplay cricket bat Cast Shadow has been removed.
  • Optimizations of the framerate
CWG reports that the patch is 18MB in size, which is smaller than most updates for Wii U titles.

Source: Coffee With Games

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