Tuesday, May 21, 2013

A.N.N.E. coming to Wii U eShop

Screenshot of video game A.N.N.E

After the Kickstarter for the retro-style PC game A.N.N.E surpassed its original goal of $70,000, stretch goals were set that would ensure the title would be ported to other platforms, including the Wii U, if enough funds were raised. However, it appears the stretch goal of $140,000 will not be met, as the total is currently at just $90,000 with 20 hours to go. Nevertheless, developer Gamesbymo has confirmed that A.N.N.E. is coming to the Wii U and other platforms regardless of whether the goal is met. Here's the official statement:

The consoles listed in the stretch goals will happen regardless of if we meet the stretch goals or not. But it will take longer than if we do meet the stretch goals. This could be a good opportunity for the wishful to pledge $15 and up and then when the game comes out on console later, it will be a good reason to explore Planet Gomi a second time!

The game is described as a "Metroidvania-style platformer with a unique focus on open exploration," with a PC release scheduled for early-to-mid 2014. If the Wii U stretch goal isn't met, it could take some time before it makes its way to the console. You can check out the official Kickstarter page via the source link below. Two trailers after the break.

Source: A.N.N.E. - Kickstarter

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