Thursday, July 26, 2012

Crytek producer: Crysis 3 on Wii U is a possibility

Prophet takes aim in an overgrown, post-apocalyptic New York.

The Crysis series is one of the juggernauts of the FPS world, and Nintendo fans who do not have Xbox 360s, PS3s, or high-end PCs have missed out on the first two installments, along with their expansion packs and DLC. With the processing power of the Wii U, a port of the latest game, Crysis 3, is a real possibility. Developer Crytek went on the record as saying CryEngine3 "runs beatifully" on the system, which is certainly a good sign. In an interview with CVG, producer Mike Read gave an enigmatic response when asked if Crysis 3 might be headed to Nintendo's new console:

"I wouldn't say there's no chance. I wouldn't say no chance. I mean the Wii U still doesn't have any kind of release [date] attached to it at this point. Who knows what the future will bring with it. I can definitely say that we are working with Nintendo, and that's about all I can say on that front. I wouldn't rule it out, but there has really been no official releases associated with the Wii U yet, and given that we're releasing Crysis in an eight month time period in February of 2013, we can't play off of what their schedules are. I wouldn't rule it out, but you know, it is a possibility."

From the N64 era to the present, third-party developers have had mixed results with releases on Nintendo consoles, with few third-party games selling even remotely as well as the big N's offerings. The problem hit truly epic proportions with the Wii, and if you look at the list of best-selling Wii games, almost every one of them was developed by Nintendo themselves or one of their second-party developers. Taking that into consideration, it is easy to see why companies are so reluctant to commit to the Wii U.

A few months ago, Rasmus Hoejengaard, Crytek's Director of Creative Development, was quoted by Destructoid as saying there was "not a fat chance" that Crysis 3 would be ported to the Wii U, so either Crytek is starting to come around to Nintendo's side or there are some serious differences in opinion about the new console. More on this as it develops.

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