Sunday, December 23, 2012

Nintendo of America's Dan Adelman speaks about Wii U eShop

Nintendo eShop logo on Wii U GamePad
Nintendo of America's Dan Adelman is largely responsible for the Big N's download services, including WiiWare, DSiWare, the 3DS eShop, and the Wii U eShop. He recently spoke with Nintendo Life about said services. Here are a few interesting excerpts:

NL: Expectations for digital downloads now are entirely different from when WiiWare launched. What's the advantage for developers to come to Nintendo download platforms today, versus competing consoles or mobile devices?

Adelman: One way we’re different is that I think we give developers a lot of flexibility and freedom. We don’t make developers pitch us their game concept in advance, and we don’t tie them down with exclusivity requirements. We really try to make the process as smooth and easy as possible.

In addition to that, for developers who choose to take advantage of it, our platforms offer a lot of functionality in a package that can’t be found anywhere else. For Nintendo 3DS that’s things like StreetPass, glasses-free 3D, and augmented reality capabilities. For Wii U, it’s things like asymmetric gameplay, Miiverse, off-screen gameplay, and the dual screen experience. Developers can take advantage of these features if it makes sense for their game, but don’t have to if they don’t think it makes sense. It’s great when people are inspired by the potential that some of our hardware features enable and design their game around that.

NL: Will Wii U be able to accommodate software sizes now common on competing console platforms?

Adelman: Size shouldn’t be considered a gating factor for games on our platform.

NL: Are there plans for the Wii U and 3DS stores to integrate, share themes, or become one eShop brand?

Adelman: Well we’re calling them both eShop. It’s just that one is the 3DS eShop, and the other is the Wii U eShop. Wii U users can see info in the Wii U eShop about 3DS games, but right now we don’t have any immediate plans to sell 3DS games via the Wii U eShop – or vice versa.

Adelman also had a lot to say about WiiWare and DSiWare, and made a few comments about his hopes for the gaming industry as a whole. If you would like to read the full interview, you can do so via the source link below.

Source: "Interview: Nintendo of America's Dan Adelman" - Nintendo Life

1 comment:

  1. Ok, but, why is Nintendo talking a lot of e-shop and they deprive Latinamerica from that service ?.


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