Monday, February 25, 2013

Cryamore coming to Wii U

Concept art for Esmyrelda Maximus, character in video game Cryamore

Cryamore is an action RPG from indie developer NostalgiCo that was inspired by The Legend of Zelda, Secret of Mana, and the Mega Man series. The Kickstarter campaign is wrapping up and the team has raised more than $229,000, well above the goal of $225,000 needed to ensure development of home console versions. NostalgiCo plans to release the game on the Wii U, Xbox 360, and PlayStation 3. Here's a brief summary of the storyline straight from the Kickstarter page.

Cryamore is about a spunky bookworm who goes by the name of Esmyrelda Maximus! Cryamore is a mineral discovered by her early settlers on Noka Island to replace the now-ancient steam-powered technology. It was later found out that they could be used as elemental catalysts to power a wide variety of things, even humans.

But this is causing an imbalance on the island, causing monsters to appear out of nowhere and sapping the town’s resources. Since Esmy (the nickname she prefers to be called) is passionate and a good candidate for Cryamore research, she’s commissioned by the Town Council Chief to search for alternate Cryamore resources, which spirals into a much more ominous dilemma.

You can check out concept art, screenshots, music, and more on the game's official Kickstarter page via the source link below. Trailer after the break.

Source: - Cryamore

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