Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Video - Miiverse updated with new filters, unfollow button, and more

Miiverse update adds Player posts filter, unfollow button

Nintendo has updated Miiverse once again. Users can now filter for "Player posts" in each gaming community, allowing them to only view posts made by players who have played each game. In addition, personal posts containing spoilers will now feature a special mark above them.

In addition, it is now easier to unfollow other users. A button now appears on your follow list and allows you to remove users with a simple click instead of going into each person's profile and clicking "unfollow."

Before the update, if you blocked someone you could still see their posts on the various community forums. This has been addressed, and you will no longer see the posts of Miiverse users you have blocked.

YouTube user NintenDaan has uploaded a video which takes a look at the official announcement posted on Miiverse. You can watch it after the break.

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