Thursday, March 21, 2013

Nintendo to meet with UK retailers to discuss Wii U sales

Wii U Deluxe and Basic Sets

Sales of the Wii U have slowed to a crawl over the past few months, and retailers in the United Kingdom have tried to help the console regain momentum by dropping prices. Unfortunately, the strategy didn't work, and sales only increased slightly. ShopTo purchasing director James Rowson had this to say:

We have taken the decision to reduce the price of the Basic Wii U to test the market and assess the impact of a price change for a short period of time. This has resulted in a smaller than desired increase in sales at this stage.
-James Rowson, ShopTo purchasing director

Another unnamed employee for a major games retailer said his company is considering a reduction of shelf space for the console, and said that if Nintendo doesn't act soon, the system could end up like one of their previous consoles:

"We are looking to reduce slightly but must admit their silence on strategy is deafening at the moment. They’ve got to do something otherwise it is GameCube all over again.”
-Anonymous UK retailer

Meanwhile, Nintendo themselves seem to have acknowledged that there is a problem, and a spokesman has announced that they will be speaking to retailers about their own plans for "building Wii U momentum."

We’ll be speaking to our retailers directly over the next few weeks to take them through our plans for building Wii U momentum over the course of 2013. We have a strong and broad line-up of software launching this year and we look forward to updating – and exciting – our partners over the coming weeks.
-Unnamed Nintendo spokesman

Source: Nintendo Life

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