Monday, March 4, 2013

Retro City Rampage available on WiiWare

Screenshot of WiiWare game Retro City Rampage

Since the Wii U is backwards compatible with Wii software, here's something our readers should know: Retro City Rampage is now available on WiiWare. The game was developed by Vblank Interactive and was inspired by the original Grand Theft Auto. Developer Vblank Entertainment has quite a sense of humor and included all sorts of parodies and references to classic video games of the 80's and 90's. The WiiWare version features ROM City Rampage, which is essentially a version of the game that plays out as if it were an actual NES title. You can download it from the Wii Shop for 1000 Nintendo points.

You can check out the game's detail page on the Big N's official site via the following link:

Retro City Rampage -

Gameplay trailer and production video after the break.

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