Friday, April 5, 2013

Sega cancels Wii U version of Aliens: Colonial Marines

Box art for Wii U version of Aliens: Colonial Marines

Last year, Gearbox CEO Randy Pitchford heaped praise on Nintendo's new system, saying the Wii U version of Aliens: Colonial Marines was going to be the definitive version. He claimed it would be more immersive than on the other platforms, citing plans to use the GamePad controller as a motion sensor, just like in the films. However, when the game was finally released, it was universally panned by critics and gamers alike.

Due to the poor performance of the movie tie-in, rumors have been circulating that the Wii U version has been cancelled. Sega, the publisher of the game, had repeatedly declined to comment on the subject, but they have finally broken their silence. Earlier today, they provided the following statement to IGN:

    SEGA can confirm that the Wii U sku of Aliens: Colonial Marines is no longer in development.

The statement is very short and blunt, with Sega providing no explanation as to why the Wii U version has been cancelled. Given all the negative press the title has received over the preceding weeks, the fact that it has been canned should come as no surprise to anyone.

Source: IGN

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