Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Nintendo Not Interested In Making First-Person Shooters Themselves

By their own admission, Nintendo are trying to win back the "hardcore" gamers that have joined the PS3 and 360 crowd. They are determined to get Activision's next installment in the Call of Duty series on the Wii U, but apparently they are not interested in creating such titles themselves. Nintendo President Satoru Iwata told The Independent “We (Nintendo)...have titles like Mario Kart that are heavily reliant on online and support online multiplayer. But you shouldn’t be expecting Call of Duty-like games to be offered from Nintendo.” He went on to say that third-party developers are very talented at making FPS games that specialize in online multiplayer, and the big N has no intention of trying to compete with them.

Last month, Iwata said he believes Xbox Live and Sony's PlayStation Network are too far developed for Nintendo to catch up, and the company will will try to create new experiences with their new Nintendo Network and Miiverse. Nintendo went against the tide with their Wii and were outrageously successful, from a financial perspective at least, and it appears the big N is still determined to blaze their own trail.

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