Wednesday, August 1, 2012

EA "keeping an eye on Wii U"

EA has made a number of positive statements about the Wii U, but so far Ubisoft is the largest third-party backer of the big N's new console. In an interview with IGN, EA's Chief Financial Officer, Peter Moore "We're keeping a very close eye on the platform," after which he admitted that Nintendo's E3 presentation received a "lackluster response." He then added that his company has learned they should "never underestimate Nintendo, as proven by last generation," an obvious nod to the amazing success of the Wii.

Moore also reported that EA will be supporting the Wii U with "great franchisements," although he did not mention any by name. As of now, there are four EA games that have been announced for the Wii U: Mass Effect 3, Madden NFL 13, FIFA 13, and NHL 13.

EA's annual Summer Showcase is scheduled for tomorrow, August 2nd, and will begin at 1:00 PM Pacific Time, 8PM UTC. If you want to watch the broadcast live, you can do so on the company's website.

I find it odd that Moore said the company is watching the Wii U, especially after last year's E3. For those of you who don't remember, John Riccitiello, the CEO of EA, appeared onstage with Satoru Iwata and Reggie Fils-Aime, to send the message that the video game behemoth was going to be one of Nintendo's main backers. At E3 2012, it looked to many as if the big N was standing alone, with Ubisoft playing the role of head cheerleader. Have things changed, or was the joint appearance of the three bigwigs blown way out of proportion?

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