Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Wii U sales in Japan receive boost from Dragon Quest X

Dragon Quest X Wii U Bundle
The game even has its own bundle.

Ever since the start of the New Year, Wii U sales have been very sluggish, even in Nintendo's homeland. Sales have started to pick up in the UK following the release of Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, and it looks like the console is starting to regain momentum in Japan as well. According to Media Create Sales, the Wii U sold 22,829 units last week, coming in just above the PlayStation 3 which racked up 19,069 units in the same time-span.

So what's the reason for the increase in sales? There are a few factors. The HD version of Dragon Quest X 
was just released, with 33,302 units sold. The series is a huge hit in Japan, and it will likely be a system seller for many who were previously on the fence. In addition, Game & Wario is also now available in the country, and reportedly sold 22,491 units. While Amazon France has posted a listing for the Wii U version of Dragon Quest X, there is still no confirmation that it will see a Western release. On the other hand, we do know that Game & Wario is making its way outside of Japan very soon.


|System | This Week  | Last Week  | Last Year  |     YTD    |  Last YTD  |
| 3DS # |     66.980 |     76.553 |    121.921 |  1.258.395 |  1.240.445 |
|  PSV  |     31.795 |     41.073 |     12.105 |    336.059 |    202.504 |
|  WIU  |     22.829 |     11.398 |            |    226.960 |            |
|  PS3  |     19.069 |     22.942 |     23.771 |    303.914 |    420.622 |
| PSP # |     12.594 |     12.690 |     18.356 |    210.110 |    277.974 |
|  WII  |      1.858 |      1.720 |      9.292 |     26.265 |    160.167 |
|  360  |        598 |        610 |      1.317 |      9.548 |     18.176 |
|  ALL  |    155.723 |    166.986 |    189.848 |  2.371.251 |  2.363.120 |
| 3DSLL |     38.442 |     40.924 |            |    785.379 |            |
|  3DS  |     28.538 |     35.629 |    121.921 |    473.016 |  1.240.445 |
|  PSP  |     12.594 |     12.690 |     18.356 |    210.110 |    277.974 |

Source: Media Create via NeoGAF

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